Thursday, February 2, 2012

Two Years and Where Are We

We tend to view anniversaries with mixed emotions. Some celebrate a marker from a difficult event, such as survival from cancer. Others mark a remembrance of the loss of a loved one or the joy of a new child. Wedding anniversaries are referenced to jewels or precious metals, and their significance evolves with the couple. But for Haiti, the anniversary of the quake is a stark reminder of how much needs be done.

There is still hope; if the new government brings some stability, and the court systems deal with the corruption of the past, aid is ready to flow in. Some organizations aren't waiting. I urge you to listen to a wonderful review of a new teaching hospital being built by PIH, recently on NPR.

 CRUDEM is also not waiting. We are currently recruiting nurse educators to help with our new nursing school Here's a note from Deb O'Hara.

Many of you know we have been embarking on many exciting expansion projects at both the hospital and the CRUDEM compound in Milot, Haiti. One of those projects is beginning new nursing programs conferring accredited BSN degrees (and later MSN degrees!) We are about to begin pre-requisite courses for all the candidates, along with standardized testing prior to "formal" admission. To this end, we have two very important specific needs:

• Teachers who are qualified to teach English Intensive with a Medical Emphasis (Currently researching Kaplan curriculum–To begin ASAP!)

• Teachers/Faculty who are qualified to teach the following science courses (for pre-requisite to begin May/June timeframe): - Anatomy & Physiology; Pathophysiology; then Microbiology

 Dr. Previl plans on providing the candidates a review for each of the science courses over the next 3 months, hence the reason for the accredited science courses to begin in May/June. Each of these courses can be taught in a condensed version, i.e. Monday through Friday over several weeks instead of an entire semester (HSC will be allowing the prospective students time off with pay to take the courses.) All teachers must be qualified (please submit your CV to CRUDEM) and teach an accredited course (each faculty should have their own course syllabus with course description and objectives to submit.) It has been decided that English is absolutely necessary and that all courses enrolled in UND/CRUDEM nursing school will be taught in English. (French texts to reinforce teaching will be allowed and accessible to all in our library.) Therefore, we need to start this intensive course as soon as possible! Although Sister Maureen has done a great job at beginning some English courses, we are now in need of an intensive English course with emphasis on medical terminology. Sister Maureen can coordinate and oversee teachers, but we need several high level, professional teachers for this effort.

Thank you for your serious consideration to the above requests. Deb O'Hara-Rusckowski, R.N. Nursing School Coordinator

May all your anniversaries mark the beginnings of something new and great, based on the lessons and experiences of the past.

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