Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Appreciate the Present

So, many bloggers will reflect on the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend, where families and friends will gather, eat and drink too much, and enjoy the present, even if some of the actions aren't completely healthy long term. It's important to appreciate the now, even as we plan for the future.

Over the last year, I've had more free time than in the previous 30 years combined. At first, I was antsy, that I needed to find something to do, besides school. My previous days as Chief of Surgery had been filled with a constant stream of information, decisions, triumphs. and challenges. Often times, I would forget to eat and by the end of the week, it seemed all seemed like a blur. There were certainly high points - a great conversation with family, friends, or colleagues; a warm Seven Stars roll; a patient that had turned their life around after bariatric surgery. Yet on balance, it was difficult to appreciate the now.

I recently came across the enclosed picture. It reminded me of the gifts I've been given recently with time. Chester and I have had numerous walks through the woods. When I was working, dog walks were fit in to a schedule and the goal was pretty clear. Now they are part of an experience of the day. I appreciate the changes in the sunlight filtering through the leaves as the seasons progess.

Even in Haiti, amid the chaos, we felt the presence of the moment. It is an awareness of the balance of powers and emotions. Trying to project into the future removes the chance to experience the now.

I will be returning to academic medicine in a more formalized role January first. There are several things I want to achieve long term. As I work to those goals, staying present will help me understand the motivations and needs of those around me, and how to work to reach those goals. And during my trip back to Milot in December, I know I will again be energized by those around me by staying in the present.

For those who are traveling - be safe...

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